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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Perris AYSO - Region 544



One of the five core values of AYSO is that EVERYONE PLAYS. This core value is designed to ensure that every registered AYSO player gets a consistent amount of playing time each and every week regardless of whether he or she is considered one of the most talented players on the team.  Unfortunately, in the past, some coaches have lost sight of the EVERYONE PLAYS core value by refusing to allow ALL players an opportunity to play equally in each game, thereby jeopardizing our goal of a consistent amount of playing time for all AYSO athletes.

Therefore, in order to better accomplish our goal, Region 544 has instituted the following Three Quarter (3/4) Rule Policy for league play:

  1. Except as otherwise provided in this Policy, every registered AYSO player in Region 544 is entitled to play in three quarters (3/4) of every game.

  1. If a player arrives after the game has already started, the rules are as follows:

    1. If the player arrives while the first quarter is being played, he/she must play at least two of the three remaining quarters;

    1. If the player arrives while the second quarter is being played, he/she must play at least one of the remaining two quarters;

    1. If the player arrives while the third quarter is being played, he/she need not play at all in that game, but may play one quarter at the discretion of the coach; and

    1. If the player arrives while the fourth quarter is being played, he/she shall not play at all in that game absent circumstances that would permit him/her to enter the game in the fourth quarter (i.e. an injury to a teammate, or his/her team’s playing short due to player absence), and then only at the discretion of the coach.

  1. The Goalkeeper rules are as follows:

    1. There are no goalkeepers in 6U and 8U Divisions.

    1. In U10, players can play no more than two (3) quarters in goal and must play at least one (1) quarter in the field;

    1. In U12, players can play no more than three (3) quarters in goal; and must play at least one (1) quarter in the field. 

    2. In U14, players can play all four (4) quarters in goal so long as all other players are each allowed to play three (3) quarters of the game pursuant to this Policy; and

    1. All U10 players who arrive after the game has started must play at least one (1) of the quarters that they are allowed to play, in the field.                                

  1. Injury, illness, and non-attendance at practice shall be handled as follows:

    1. Any player that is injured and needs to be removed from the field for the balance of the quarter (or more), shall be credited with having played the quarter in which he/she was injured. The player coming in for the injured player shall not be credited with having played that quarter;

    1. Any player that is injured or ill is not required to play three quarters so long as the decision not to play three quarters is made in good faith by the parents and the player, and not by the coach. The assistant referee must be informed so that he/she can note the illness or injury on the game card; and

    1. No player shall have his/her playing time in games limited because of non-attendance at practice without the prior approval of the Commissioner, which approval shall not be considered without (i) reliable verification that the player regularly does not attend practice despite the coach’s request to the parents and the player that he/she do so, and (ii) a meeting in person or by phone between the coach, one or both parents, the player, and the Commissioner or his designee, for the purpose of determining whether the absences are the player’s responsibility or the parent’s, and/or whether there is any justification for the absences. The Commissioner shall then approve or deny the request for reduced playing time in his sole and reasonable discretion based on the best interests of Region 544, and the specific team and player involved.

  1. Violations of this Policy shall be handled as follows:

    1. A violation of this Policy shall be presumed to occur whenever the game card for a U10, U12 or U14 team reveals that (i) a player did not play in three (3) quarters and there is no justification noted on the game card (i.e. player was sick, injured, asked to be removed, arrived late, etc.) and/or (ii) the Goalkeeper Rules set forth in paragraph 3 were not followed;

    1. In the event of a presumed violation, the Division Manager or other person assigned by the Commissioner, shall contact the coach and, if necessary, the parent of the affected player, the player and/or any other person, to determine if the game card correctly recorded an actual violation, and if so, whether the coach intended to violate this Policy or whether the coach mistakenly did so;

    1. The Division Manager or other person assigned by the Commissioner, shall communicate his/her conclusions to the Commissioner who may accept, reject, or modify those conclusions at his sole and reasonable discretion;

    1. In the event that a mistaken violation is found to have occurred:

  1. The offending coach will be reminded of the region’s policy and the consequences for violating such policy. 

    1. In the event that an intentional violation is found to have occurred:

  1. For the first offense, the offending coach shall be suspended for the next game. For the second offense, the offending coach shall be suspended for the next two games. For the third offense, the offending coach shall be suspended for the balance of the league season;

    1. Any coach who is previously determined to have mistakenly violated this Policy shall be presumed to have acted intentionally in connection with any subsequent violation in the same league season.

  1. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the head coach to ensure that his/her substitutions are properly recorded on the game card by the assistant referee.

  1. This Policy does not apply to the U16/19 divisions, as those players are subject to the Area Rules which are handed out separately.

  1. Any ambiguity or omission in this Policy shall be resolved by the Region 544 Commissioner or his designee.

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Perris AYSO - Region 544

P.O. Box 463 
Perris, California 92572

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